Tag Archives: spinach broccoli cream soup scallops dinner appetizer recipe

Cream of spinach and broccoli soup with seared scallops

6 Jan

I don’t know if it’s because we spent Christmas in France, where it was windy and cold (or at least colder than here in Dubai), but lately, I’ve been in soup-making mood. My latest test was this creamy soup…the scallops add a little bit of elegance to the whole thing, but If you want a simpler affair, you can skip them altogether. 



Serves 2 people as a main and 4 as a starter


– 1 head of broccoli

– 3 bunches of spinach

– 1 bunch of scallions

– 1 potatoe

– half a baguette

– 1 or 2 cloves of garlic

– 6 scallops (if starter course, use 8 so that each person gets two)

– a few slices of bacon (I’m referring to american-style can, but you can also use long slices of pancetta)

– salt and pepper to taste

– 2 tbsp of olive oil

– optional : 1-2 bouillon cubes, 1/2 cup heavy or light cream



1. Cut up the potatoe in small cubes.

2. Cut up the broccoli and saute with scallions for about 2 minutes with a dash of olive oil in a large pot. 

3. Add spinach to the broccoli mixture for 10 seconds, the potatoe and then cover the whole thing with water (I added 2 bouillon cubes too – but you can just put salt and pepper if you prefer). Let simmer about 15 minutes. 

4. Once you feel the broccoli and potatoe cubes are cooked, take off the stove and let it cool for about 15 minutes.

5. Blend the soup in a blender until it is really creamy. If you want, you can add 1/2 cup of cream at this point. Add salt and pepper if necessary. Set aside.

6. Take a small baguette and cut it lengthwise. Toast it in the oven (or in your toaster if it fits). Once toasted, rub a clove of garlic all over the cut sides. Cut into soldiers so they look like long rectangles. Set aside.

7. In a pan, fry the bacon and set aside on scott towel to absorb all the fat. Empty the pan of its oil (only leave a film of it to saute the scallops in).

8. Dust the scallops with flour. Add salt and pepper to taste.

9. Cook each scallop about 2-3 minutes per side. The cooking time really depends on the size of the scallop. A minute before it is done, if you want, you can add a splash of white wine and let it evaporate. It will give the scallops a nice taste.

10. Take a few of the scallops and roll them in a slice of bacon, making it hold with a toothpick. Leave the other scallops as is.

11. Laddle soup into some nice bowls, plop a few scallops on there and on the side, put your toasted garlic rubbed soldiers.